The week in review, April 4, 2023
Media elites portray the Tennessee shooter as a sympathetic victim, Dawkins lacks courage of conviction, and Zoomers refuse to accept some levels of degeneracy
I’m afraid I only have time for a short and rather grim recap for this week!
After Audrey Hale, a woman who identified as a trans man, killed six students at a Christian school in Nashville, TN, on March 27, media elites bent over backwards to portray the woman as a victim of anti-trans sentiment.
The reaction from the White House:
Tennessee was one of multiple states to pass bills that protect children from “drag queen performances.”
The media treating this shooting as some sort of understandable response to bills like this should sicken you.
Richard Dawkins, long styled as one of the “Four Horsemen of New Atheism” and a sharp criticism of Christianity, seemed afraid to take a position on whether Shamima Begum, who left the UK to join ISIS, should be allowed to return when pressed by Piers Morgan. I’m not a fan of Dawkins or even Morgan for that matter, but Morgan hit the nail on the head when he said that it’s sad when public thought leaders are too intimidated to speak their mind.
Raw Egg Nationalist summarizes Dawkins u perfectly here:
Another “Bright” has been revealed to be, in actuality, quite dim.
I’ll end on a (somewhat) optimistic note. It’s often thought that young people are so steeped in degeneracy today that they have been completely skewed by the zeitgeist of the time. There’s reason to hope that many of these young people have standards that will only budge so far – that there is an inherent dignity to human nature that will only tolerate so much of what the enemy is normalizing.