Happy Easter!
I always feel enormous relief after coming home from Easter Mass. The long gauntlet of Lent is over, and I feel free to jump into a new season and really let ’er rip. I’m bolting into this final stretch of spring as if it was New Year’s - with fresh new resolutions and goals to hit.
Last week, I published my latest interview on The Fresh Start Project. I spoke with architect, author, and documentary film maker Don Ruggles to discuss the neurology of beauty. Check it out here:
You might be wondering why I’m focusing so much on architecture and the neuroscience of beauty (prior to my Don Ruggles interview I spoke about this very topic with Ann Sussman). It’s actually a HUGE aspect of why I started The Fresh Start Project. The podcast is an exploration of the forces that built the modern-day “gerbil cage” - this artificial, ugly, leftist society we are trapped in. And ugly, anti-human environments are a hallmark of that cage.
It’s time more people realized that they don’t have to put up with it - that they, in fact, can insist on beauty instead.
Many are concerned about the direction America and the West in general is heading. It seems to be a given that we are living in a civilization in decline.
In situations like this, it’s important to be mindful of history to be understand our present situation. Watch my latest YouTube clip video, Why civilizations decline (with Samo Burja):
If you’re interested in this topic, watch my entire interview with Samo here.
Not only do we modern humans in the West live in ugly environments in every direction - but our nearly all of the food we eat is the product of an industrialized cabal that has no concern for our long-term health or wellbeing. Find out more about the severe problems with America’s food and agriculture industry here:
The Harvest of Deception, by Texas Slim, for Robert Malone on Subtack.
While you may not hear about it from mainstream media (except in a negative light), there are some places in the U.S. that are pushing back against the global leftist project.
For example, Kansas seems to be making enormous strides in safeguarding its citizens on multiple fronts, from protecting life to protecting business to protecting children and saying no to propaganda in schools.
And thanks to a recent move by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, there are now more states in America that allow no-permit carrying of a firearm than not.
DeSantis’ signature tips US into majority 'constitutional carry' nation with new Florida gun rights law. By Emma Colton for Fox News.
I want to know - what’s on your mind? What trends, patterns, problems, or solutions are you seeing in your own community? Let me know in the comments.