The week in review, March 19, 2023
Kimberly Ells on exposing children to sexual ideology, Scott Adams on victimhood narratives and DEI, Bjørn Lomborg takes aim at climate activism
Drag queen story hour, trans indoctrination in public schools, sex work presented as a viable option to girls - why are mainstream institutions working so hard to push harmful sexual practices onto children? It’s all part of a concerted effort to attack the institution of the family, says Kimberly Ells. Last week, Kimberly sat down with Eric Metaxas to discuss the global attack on the family - watch it here:
Kimberly Ells shares her book: The Invincible Family: Why the Global Campaign to Crush Motherhood and Fatherhood Can’t Win. The Eric Metaxas Radio Show.
Cartoonist and cultural commentator Scott Adams caused a stir in late February for recommending that white people “get the hell away” from black people based on a Rasmussen poll that said that nearly half of black people do not think it’s “okay to be white.”
He certainly took heat for both what he said and how he said it. But let’s add some context: Adams’ problem here is not racial. He has been quite clear in his subsequent broadcasts that his problem is with the victimhood mindset that leads half a population to say that it’s “not okay” to be another race.
Which is why he likewise recommends avoiding whites who espouse anti-white narratives:
Adams has also taken aim at DEI policies that put diversity above safety:
Has the DEI agenda pushed too far? Has America reached a tipping point where more people are willing to push back against DEI policies and anti-white narratives? Sound off in the comments.
There is only one other issue that has the potency of the racial and LGBT narratives mentioned above: climate activism. Invoking climate change has an immense chilling effect on any opponent of the left’s energy and environmental policies, but Danish environmental economist Bjørn Lomborg could very well be initiating a thaw. He is countering the climate change narrative and gaining attention from prominent figures, such as Jordan Peterson. Check out their interview, below:
The World is Not Ending | Bjørn Lomborg | EP 315, Jordan B. Peterson on YouTube.
Check out Bjørn’s website here.
Here’s a bizarre story about how the Taliban may have kicked America out of Afghanistan, but American culture may very well conquer the Taliban.
The West Lives On in the Taliban’s Afghanistan. Ben Landau-Taylor and Samo Burja. The Palladium Letters.
How concerned are you about AI? Well, if you think the programmers have injected their political biases into the algorithm of popular AI tools, probably very. Take a look at this thread in which Jordan Peterson matches wits with ChatGPT:
This thread is a doozy, so here's the tl;dr: When asked identical questions about both Trump and Biden, ChatGPT gave different responses with different word counts, and portrayed one in a favorable light and the other in a less-than-favorable light.
An interesting assessment:
What do you think?
Finally, China back-peddles on population-control:
China now brainstorming ways to boost its low birth rate after issuing decades-long one-child policy. AP via Fox News.
Who would have thought that a Communist government would have to overcorrect for a problem of its own creation?!